A Vancouver WA Chiropractor Suggests Walking to Relieve Back Pain

If you are experiencing ongoing or recurrent episodes of lower back pain, you may want to consider walking. Walking is a low-impact form of exercise that most people can do on a daily basis. Aerobic exercise is something that has long been shown to provide a reduction in the incidences of lower back pain. People with this level of pain sometimes find some types of exercise much too painful, in turn not getting the exercise necessary to achieve optimal health. This is where walking comes in because it is one way to benefit from regular exercise without aggravating the lower back and causing even more pain.

For conditions where walking is still too painful, patients may consider even lower impact exercise. Water therapy or pool therapy such as aqua-jogging or deep water aerobics is a good option for those individuals. The body’s buoyancy results in a reduction of the compression on the lower back, allowing individuals to move freely without pain.


Benefits of Exercise Walking

Here are some of the many inherent health benefits from a regular routine of exercise walking:

  • It strengthens the muscles in the feet, legs, hips, and torso
  • It nourishes the spinal structures
  • It improves flexibility and posture


For more information on exercise walking and its benefits on lower back pain, click here.


To add regular chiropractic care to your treatment plan, click here to contact your Vancouver WA Chiropractic Clinic.